Sprint 2

NOVEMBER 13 – NOVEMBER 27: We had quite an eventful sprint these past 2 weeks and we’re excited to share our progress! Last sprint we focused on our database and backend (BE) so when we are building the mobile app (APP) we will run into very few limitations and set backs.

This sprint we got started on building the mobile app! This is very exciting for us since we get to start seeing thing piece together like a puzzle We also began development on our content moderation portal (CMP) that will be used monitor reported content on our app along with monitoring app statistics and usage analytics.

We had an productive staff meeting this sprint that solidified what we want out of this app, especially the features we’re going to double down on and focus on which took into account a lot of the feedback we received on discord. Please keep pitching your ideas, we do read them! /

Release Notes

  • Authentication
    • Persists when the app is closed and re-opened
      • All common flows are implemented, Forgot password, email verification and register/login
    • Boiler plate with all pages added to get an idea of app navigation feel and flow
    • Home page phase 1 implemented
  • Support for handling file uploads (Image and Video)
    • Light image conversion and compression implemented.
    • Error reporting system integrated. Keeps all technical staff in the loop even when not at their computer.
  • Authentication
    • Users with the “OWNER” role will be able to accept or deny users that request to be a moderator
    • Owners can now remove posts, ban users and mute users
    • Moderators can remove posts and mute users
  • Research into the best fitting services to host our infrastructure stack


