April 28 – May 12: “Luminance” as in the light at the end of the tunnel. This sprint was a turning point for the DrivnBye team. There were plenty of wins to celebrate and plenty of obstacles to overcome.
Company Milestones
As you may have noticed our instagram account has been down for a while. We created a new account and have been posting on it to re-gain our traction and continue delivering high qualify videos to our audience highlighting the awesome features we’re including in our app. In 3 days we were able to amass 4,000 followers and 150K reel views on instagram while re-posting our old videos to get caught up.
Everyone at the DrivnBye team wants to say “thank you” for reaching out to us via social media or our website to checkin. We appreicate your support and look forward to you joining our app!
Release Notes
Last sprint we focused heavily on event creation which we wrapped up this sprint and began working on post creation. This page is extremely important to us to get right so the best user experience is possible.

Searching + Discovery
This sprint we spent a significant amount of time working on our search and discovery pages and algorithms which allow us to show the user the best fit results given the user’s location. An example of our searching algorithms at work is when you search for a business, we prioritize the business’s proximity to you along with matching the term you are searching for.
Our discovery page is also catered to your profile and proximity showing you events that are near you, posts near your and businesses you may be interested in.

We spent some time adding a new suite of testing to our CI/CD pipeline that will assist us in catching errors before they reach production. This pipeline is new and will have plenty of unit tests added in the future for additional coverage.
We also rolled out some more internal tools that will allow us to monitor status of all our backend infrastructure. We will receive notifications that way we’re able to react quickly to any adverse events.
We allowed hashtags to have a creator that way if you’re the first person to use a hashtag you get credit!

We converted our original tagging system over to floating tags on an image to get a better idea where a vehicle/ user is within a post.

To declutter the profile page we moved vehicle posts from the “garage” view and move them into “vehicle” view

As many of you know we use a framework for our mobile application called “React Native“, the way we convert our typescript into a native application for mobile devices is by using “Expo” . Expo released a new version of their SDK that deprecated the current version SDK we are using. We spent a couple days during this sprint updating our SDK to the latest and greatest. This new version also comes with new tools that will allow us to develop safely even faster.
Whats Next?
We plan on wrap up post creation this sprint them move on to focusing on gamification (badges) that way we have a way to give users achievements and badges. We will also be focusing a lot on testing and bug fixes.