April 13 – April 28: “WOW” the the word of the sprint. Last sprint we focused on tidying up the app, and handling adverse events. That sprint set us up perfectly to make huge strides where we were able to take a step back and say “wow” we’re almost ready to begin user acceptance testing for an alpha version.
We are going to change our release notes slightly that way we’re able to communicate more clearly the progress we’ve made during our 2 week sprint. Instead of an extended granular list we’re going to take a step back and provide a more refined outline of features, bugs and epics we worked on.
Release Notes
We introduced message reactions within one-on-one chats and group chats, sharable elements into conversations such as posts, events, users and businesses, and more control over the conversation for the “host” of the conversation. With these new features implemented that leaves us with a fully functional inbox that is being internally tested.

Tons of thoughtful work is being implemented in the search tab. We now are using contextual searching which allows you to search for vehicles, events, posts, businesses and users. The search tab will also be serving as a discover tab where posts, events, vehicles, and businesses will be displayed based on how close they are to you. Last two tabs we have left on the search tab is event search and post search.

Content Creation
We began implementation of the user flows for creating a new post and new event. In it’s current stage we have wrapped up discovery and design and began implementing the user flows that will walk the user through posting new content to the app.

When a user joins DrivnBye for the first time we want to make sure they’re greeted and some of the main features are explained for a seamless and intuitive onboarding experience

Apart of every sprint we also focus on tech debt, and code cleanup that way in the future when we’re addressing bugs or implementing new features it will be easier and quicker. This sprint we took care of all error handling in all screens, query performance, automated CI/CD pipelines for deploying the backend services and query optimization. We also rolled out new organization wide software to monitor performance, uptime, general backend analytics and more.

Whats Next?
We will be focusing on searching posts and events along with focusing on content creation. We will also begin rolling out new versions of the app internally for finding and reporting bugs, requesting features and providing feedback.