Sprint 10

March 3 – March 17: “The little things” was the theme for this sprint. Last sprint we discussed wanting to move off the profile page and focus on the search page and inbox page. Although that was true and we did begin implementing them, we also focused on “the little things” like proper error handling, UI consistencies, navigation flow, and automated cloud deployment

Milestones and updates

  • An update to our website’s onboarding/ recruiting page to better communicate the positions we are looking for
  • 2000+ new followers
  • All time story view count
  • 200k profile views
  • 1,500 thread followers
  • Video received over 50K views

Release Notes

  • Archiving fully implemented for:
    • Posts
    • Events
  • Public visibility for archived events is extremely limited
  • Public visibility is impossible for posts that are archived
  • Introduced some new tables and metrics for posts that will allow users to track like, comment and save metrics in the future
  • Updated our Content Moderation Platform to support querying and sort reported comments
  • New components within the CMP to allow flexible ordering, querying and filtering of table rows
  • Added functionality to allow calling businesses for users that provide a number to call
  • Included support for business information within a user’s view
  • New automated pipelines for:
    • Applying migrations to our database
    • Setting up and applying test data for staging and testing environments
    • Deployment of backend to our hosting provider
    • Deployment of load balancer and reverse proxy
    • Deployment of our websocket server and reverse proxy
    • This is very exciting as we can now move away from self-hosted development servers to scalable instances in the cloud to handle significantly more demand
    • Pipeline to deploy post-deployment scripts for cache population and/or database constant population
  • Full HTTPS/ SSL support for all hosted services to ensure a secure connection
  • Since we want to ensure the best experience for our users, we will deprecate old versions of the app when we push major changes. You will see a non-moveable bottom sheet when this occurs to you. We recommend turning on automatic updates to avoid this.
  • Introduced Sentry, a service we will be using to log and catch bugs before you can report them
    • When you earn a badge and pin it, where your username appears, your pinned badge will appear as well
    • You can now pin a badge to your profile
  • Added tons of constraints on input fields to avoid misuse to these features
  • User Settings: This section ate up the majority of the time as we want to make sure you have the customizability and transparency you deserve.
    • Edit profile
    • Edit Account
      • Change Email
      • Change Username
      • Change Password
      • Convert User to Business account
      • Convert Business to User account
    • Dark/light mode override
    • Permissions
      • Location permissions
    • Contact
    • App Information
    • Privacy Policy
    • Terms of service
    • Clear cache
  • Form validation for commonly used form input fields:
    • Phone: US and International
    • Email
    • Number input
    • text input
    • long text input
  • Support to add your business’s address and have it resolve to a specific latitude/ longitude
  • Support for online/ remote businesses
  • Began implementation of the search tab
  • CRUD Opperations for vehicles
    • Create vehicle
    • Create modification
    • Edit vehicle
    • Edit modification
  • Began implementation of the inbox page

Whats Next?

You guessed it! We’re going to continue working on the inbox and search pages! We have some very exciting blog posts in the pipeline as well to talk about the logistics of searching as many fields as we intend that way when you see a specific car in your town, you can use DrivnBye to find it!

We are also looking for a Project or Product manager to join the team to help direct epics, discover community driven features and coordinate beta testing for our community! If you are interested please feel free to apply!

We look forward to seeing you for sprint 11!
– The DrivnBye Team





One response to “Sprint 10”

  1. […] 18 – March 31st: “Communication is Key” was the theme for this sprint. Last sprint we discussed working on inbox and search pages. Throughout the week of March 18 we started working […]

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