Category: Release Notes

  • Sprint 19

    July 7 – July 21: “Testing” is the theme of this sprint. Not only did we make this sprint primarily focused on internal testing, but we also set a release date to our patrons to give them access to an exclusive sneak peek to our staging environment and become stakeholders. Milestones: Bugs This release note…

  • Sprint 18

    June 22 – July 7: “Preparing” is the theme of this sprint. We knocked out a ton of tech debt, focused on reliability, logging, infrastructure, and iteration cycles. Company Milestones Release Notes Content Management Platform (CMP) Badges Mobile cleanup What’s next? This is an exciting chapter! We will be slowly introducing our patrons and volunteers…

  • Sprint 17

    June 9 – June 22: “Safe” is the best word to describe this sprint. We focused heavily on allowing users to block other users along with securing the platform after a user has been banned. We also onboarded several new bright engineers! Company Milestones Release Notes Banning The ugly truth is no app is going…

  • Sprint 16

    May 26 – June 9: “Resilience” Was the theme of this sprint. We focused Heavily on being critical of our current technology stack paying extra attention to supporting features, bugs, and security. We recently did an internal launch of our application via iOS test flight with all features enabled and put them under a microscope…

  • Sprint 15

    May 12 – May 26: “Reliability” is the word of this sprint as we wanted to focus on efforts to make us reliable to the users and be conscious there are going to be bugs when we release. Company Milestones Since the last sprint, we launched a new Instagram account and have already amassed 17.7K…

  • Sprint 14

    April 28 – May 12: “Luminance” as in the light at the end of the tunnel. This sprint was a turning point for the DrivnBye team. There were plenty of wins to celebrate and plenty of obstacles to overcome. Company Milestones As you may have noticed our instagram account has been down for a while.…

  • Sprint 13

    April 13 – April 28: “WOW” the the word of the sprint. Last sprint we focused on tidying up the app, and handling adverse events. That sprint set us up perfectly to make huge strides where we were able to take a step back and say “wow” we’re almost ready to begin user acceptance testing…

  • Sprint 12

    April 1st – April 14th “Safety First” was our choice of this sprints theme. Last sprint we discussed about working with our messaging system. Additionally, this sprint prioritised organisational tasks and involve a significant emphasis on design work. Milestones and Updates UI (User Interface) Messaging Posts We added Safe Zones! We focused on adding safe…

  • Sprint 11

    March 18 – March 31st: “Communication is Key” was the theme for this sprint. Last sprint we discussed working on inbox and search pages. This week, we started working on messages. That’s why we’ve also been busy creating search pages for accounts. This way, if you ever need to find someone’s account, it’ll be easier…

  • Sprint 10

    March 3 – March 17: “The little things” was the theme for this sprint. Last sprint we discussed wanting to move off the profile page and focus on the search page and inbox page. Although that was true and we did begin implementing them, we also focused on “the little things” like proper error handling,…

  • Sprint 9

    February 18 – March 3: As this sprint concludes we are excited to announce the profile page is near completion with tons of new features that make DrivnBye stand apart. Milestones Release Notes Whats Next? Wow! Lots of progress with the profile screen and the CMP is getting some attention that way we can roll…

  • Sprint 8

    February 4 – February 18: “Moving on” – No, we’re not moving on to another app, we’re moving on to the next big screen to tackle, The profile page. If you are reading between the lines that means we’re wrapping up implementation for arguably the biggest view, the Map view. We completed this sprint at…

  • Sprint 7

    January 21 – February 4: “Record Breaking” – This sprint we blew past our average velocity coming in at just under 150 points of work committed, our website and social media has broken several milestones. We cannot explain the amount of gratitude and and motivation when we read your comments and messages explaining how excited…

  • Sprint 6

    January 7 – January 21: “Monumental” is the word to describe this sprint. If you remember from last sprint we worked a lot on building the application into an actual production ready app. Well, this sprint we not only built the application and deployed it internally on multiple phones via side loading and apple ad-hoc…

  • Sprint 5

    December 24 – January 7: Happy new year everyone! The DrivnBye team has been hard at work this sprint and we’re still on track for spring 2024 beta release!

  • Sprint 4

    DECEMBER 10 – DECEMBER 24: Happy holidays! We are proud to wrap up our 4th sprint right on Christmas eve. We’ve completed over 40 stories and 75 story points

  • Sprint 3

    NOVEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 10: This was a productive Sprint with over 31 stories marked as Complete and deployed! We focused on the main landing page after authentication within the application this sprint. Let’s jump into some key notes that highlight the progress we made this sprint. App Backend Infrastructure

  • Sprint 2

    NOVEMBER 13 – NOVEMBER 27: We had quite an eventful sprint these past 2 weeks and we’re excited to share our progress! Last sprint we focused on our database and backend (BE) so when we are building the mobile app (APP) we will run into very few limitations and set backs. This sprint we got…

  • Sprint 1

    OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 13: Wow what a sprint we’ve had! The engineering department wants to keep everyone updated on our progress as we develop the Drivnbye app, every two weeks at the end of our sprint we’re going to update you on features, bugs, and updates on the department. So lets jump into the…