DrivnBye started from a series of moments that sparked an idea. It all began at my first car meet in Wisconsin. I noticed how many cameras were out capturing these amazing builds, including my own. But then it hit me—most owners would leave without ever seeing their pictures. On top of that, I saw how many people turn to Facebook groups hoping to find their photos, only to come up empty.

That’s where the idea of event galleries came to life: a way to connect owners with the photos taken of their vehicles. About a week later, I was driving when a GTR passed me, sounding absolutely perfect. I wanted to learn more about it—its owner, its build—but realized there was no way to find that information without knowing the owner personally or catching a glimpse of a username.
That’s when the second idea hit: an app where you could search for local vehicles, whether they’re at a meet or just driving by. This spark was enough to push me to commit my time to turning this app concept into a reality.

To bring our vision to life, we focused on marketing the idea by identifying its place within the community and connecting with enthusiasts who share our passion. By building a strong team of like-minded individuals, we were able to collaborate and leverage their expertise to bring the concept to fruition. Our goal is to gather innovative ideas that address all challenges in the automotive world, and to create one comprehensive app that serves as a solution for all enthusiasts.
Since our first viral video on September 29, 2023, we’ve achieved more than I ever thought possible in such a short time, building an unbreakable team along the way. Every challenge we’ve faced has only made us stronger.
With the incredible support of our community, we’ve been working nonstop to create an app that exceeds all expectations.

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