Sprint 16

May 26 – June 9: “Resilience” Was the theme of this sprint. We focused Heavily on being critical of our current technology stack paying extra attention to supporting features, bugs, and security. We recently did an internal launch of our application via iOS test flight with all features enabled and put them under a microscope along with taking a very close look at our authentication logic.

Company Milestones

  • Published Terms of Use
  • Published Privacy Policy
  • 102K accounts reached in 14 days
  • First tutorial released
  • Story view count hit a high of 2,500

Release Notes


During this sprint we took a close look at our authentication and determined we needed to refactor in order to bring our entire authentication logic up to OAuth2.0 standards. This involved a complete refactor in all code bases that allows us to maintain expiration authentication without requiring you to login every time you open the app and allows Drivnbye to revoke authentication from any device. This refactor took the majority of the sprint as we wanted to focus on both regression testing and security auditing. We are also allowing users to log out of all devices in case of a security breach.

Along with the authentication refactor we also did a small facelift for our login screens

Bug fixes

Since we did an internal release to DrivnBye staff we collected bug reports and rolled out fixes to 75% of this and will address the remaining bugs this sprint.


Implementation of notifications is nearing completion with the remaining work and testing being wrapped up this sprint. Notifications now display for:

  • Post likes (stacked notifications instead of individual)
  • Post comments
  • Post comment likes (Stacked)
  • Event RSVPs
  • User follow
  • Post tag

Whats Next?

We will be focusing on wrapping up notifications, continuing work on the content management platform, adding ability to block users, and deeplinking (allowing our website to open specific pages in the DrivnBye app)

Thanks for sticking with us!
~The drivnbye Team





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